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BookWear boosts engagement
Stand out from the competition with our eye-catching promotional products

Recruit Students
A surprise package with your message on it will attract students' attention. Put your campus text and graphics on this mysterious "book" cover. There's a surprise gift inside. These college student recruiting giveaways gets read and opened. Choose from 12 stock gifts or request a unique one. Tell your story on the cover and introduce students to a new chapter of their lives. Mail it like a thick postcard or we'll mail it for you.

Corporate Marketing
Communication is the key to a healthy team. San Juan Healthcare did such a good job that they won a national clinical excellence award. They communicated to their 2,000 staff with a big "THANK YOU" on this book cover. There was an embroidered polo shirt inside as a gift. When they won the award again two years later they reordered the same package. It gets noticed and remembered. Communicate with your staff in a big way, a novel and tangible way.

Peer Parade
Want to get your campus logo viewed 60,000+/- times? Every year USC admissions orders 6,000 BookWear®, for 19 years in a row. "Welcome" and "Congratulations on your admission" headlines are on the book cover. There's a compressed t-shirt inside with the USC Trojans logo. This package gets mailed to accepted students. A majority will read/open the book. Let's say 5,000 of them wear the shirt four times. If three people see them each time that's 60,000 views. More likely they will wear the shirt for a year, say 10 times, and more realistically 10 of their peers see it each wearing. That's half a million views, and that's probably a minimum. An important feature is that their "peers" will see it. That's probably the audience you want for recruiting. Your campus logo on parade and viewed by the right audience! Great marketing!

Fun Fundraising
Need to raise money? This capital campaign raised millions of dollars for a new hospital addition. The "book" cover had a rendering of their proposed cancer wing. Inside was a custom puzzle with the same image. There was also a trifold pamphlet inserted with the "Who, What, When, Where, Why" about their services and financial aspirations. The committee originally ordered 2,800 of these little books and mailed them out. That hit a gold-rush response and they sent an email;
"The BookWear® with puzzles are absolutely beautiful!! You all did a fantastic job. So good in fact, that they are almost gone! How long does a reorder take?"
They ordered again, and then again. They raised millions of dollars with this creative package.

Make It Different
There's plenty of hormones, adrenaline and energy in the brain vortex of any prospective student. "How to Keep Your Head from Exploding: a practical guide for the soon-to-be college student" is one approach to humor and containment of that cranial caldron. You can choose from 12 stock gifts to go inside this little custom book: embroidered beanies, Bluetooth earbuds, sunglasses, compressed t-shirts, etc. All customized with your campus logo. All mailable like a thick postcard. Or you can request other surprise gifts. Make your marketing explode, not your skull.

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